Quarantined But Feeling Good? Get Busy Working On Your Home!

Working from home has taken on a whole new meaning in the age of Coronavirus. Often it means doing your job at home rather than driving to the office but it is also a great time to start working ON your home and catching up on all those “honey do” projects around the house. It’s a great way to fill the time, feel accomplished and take your mind off everything else.
In looking back through our past real estate related articles, I found two on getting homes read to show. You may not be thinking of selling but the advice also holds true for spring cleaning.

The first article is simply titled “Showing Your Home.” The advice for a “Nine Minute Showing Drill” may make you laugh, but the rest of the article provides a great starting point for things to do around the house while quarantined. The second article is titled “100 Plus Suggestions To Make Your Home Ready To Sell!” It is a laundry list of home improvement suggestions (including some you may see in the first article).
The right thing to do is to stay home but no one said you should not stay active. Even in a condo or apartment setting, there are things you can do to improve your personal space.
Together we will get through this. Be safe and stay well!
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